Film or Digital

Photography has progressed so much in the last decade. These days you can take a picture of your self in one second and in the next have 12 posts on facebook when you make that photo you profile picture. But what if the sun was in you eyes or a wasp stung you right when you heard that *click*. The picture is RUINED...Oh well hit delete and try again. click click click click you can take an endless amount of pictures these days and it doesnt even phase people. Should that be ok? Or should the photo gods strike down with vengence for making their tool of art a frivolous means to end.
Remember the good ol days when film was king? Every picture would be composed so meticulously. Each and every element in its proper place. People actually cared about the other stuff besides their face in the veiwfinder. You couldn't just hit delete and try again, wildly swinging your camera in the general area of your target and pressing down. CLICK. No you made sure that every photo counted. And don't even get me started on finishing a roll. It was like your christmas letter to Santa and the developed photos were the gifts. There was so much more joy when you looked at that photo of June Lake you took over summer and realized you got the perfect shot.
So what does this mean? Should we the select chosen few hold the torch for film and secretly scoff at those chimps taking snapshot after snapshot so haphazardly? Or should we all jump head first into the future and light a candle for film's funeral? Honestly, I'm down with digital haha. But that doesn't mean im gonna just throw my old film Canon out. I fell in love with the dark room this semester and the hands on process of taking your film out of your camera yourself. But digital has almost limitless potential and is sooooo much faster its hard not to love as well. Now if we could just get the rest of the internet world to take a little more time with their photo composition and less time with that cowlick in their hair, then we should be golden.

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